Wenda Su



image           INFERTILITY 

1. Definition and Factors 

2. Female Infertility

3. Male Infertility

4. Miscarriage




                          1  Definition and Factors

If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you're not alone. In the United States, 10% to 15% of couples are infertile. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for more couples.

Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy.

Causes of female infertility:image

1.Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOS

2.Pre-mature Ovarian Failure. POF

3.Decreased Ovarian Reserve. DOR

4.Luteal Phase Defect. LPD

5.Luteinized Unrupture Follicle. LUF

6.Hyperprolactinemia. HPRL

7.Endometriosis. EMSimage

 8.Tubal Factor Infertility. TFI

 9.Endometrial Factor Infertility. EFI

 10.Immunity Factor Infertility. IFI


Causes of male infertility:

1. Abnormal sperm production or function.

2. Problem with the delivery of sperm.

3. Overexposure to certain environmental factors.

4. Damage related to cancer and its treatment.            




                2 Female Infertility

Kidney store essence. The concept of kidney in traditional Chinese medicine is different to anatomy in western medicine and give birth. Uterus regulates menstruation and house the fetus during pregnancy.The kidney is the source of TianGui, base of chong meridian and Ren meridian, root of Qi and blood. The dysfunction of the kidney--tiangui--uterus axis is the main cause of infertility. The yin and yang in the kidney is the root of the yin and yang of the other zang organs(heart,spleen,lung,liver). Kidney yin is deficient, the essence and blood are inadequate, the TianGui are lacking, and the sea of blood is empty, and the eggs are not nourished and it is difficult to mature. Kidney yang is insufficient, mingmen fire is insufficient, cold will be in the body. Chong meridian and Ren meridian will not be warmed up. If the uterus is not warm. This will cause poor egg development and the egg can not discharge. Injuring of emotions , stagnation of liver Qi, disorders of smoothening flow of Qi, disharmony Qi and blood; phlegm dampness, stagnation of blood, blocking Chong and Ren meridians, Uterus can not accept the oosperm. Deficiency of kidney yang cannot warm up the spleen yang. Spleen’s functions are disorder. Qi and blood decrease. The sea of blood cannot be full, and the deficiency of blood leads to late menstruation and amenorrhea. The egg is difficult to discharge, so these cause infertility.

Infertility is the result of a combination of factors. Infertility is mostly caused by kidney deficiency, liver stagnation, and spleen deficiency. These generate the pathological factors such as blood stasis and phegm dampness.

Based on the theory of holistic concepts, tonifying the kidney is very important in TCM. According to the different types of patients, it combines with relieving liver Qi stagnation, promoting blood circulation, strengthening spleen functions and reducing phlegm. Promote follicular development by regulating the function of the kidney-tiangui-uterus axis, increase ovulation rate, and improve the endometrium's tolerance to the embryo and luteal function, which is conducive to embryo implantation.

The treatment of infertility depends on the correct diagnosis and treatment of the doctor, but in terms of the patient, it is important to keep the spirit relaxed and happy, because the spirit is open and the mood is cheerful, the qi and blood are reconciled. Conducive to ovulation and fertilization; if depressed, lack of vitality, Qi and blood will disorder. It’s impossible to fertilize.

Among the methods of traditional Chinese medicine for treating infertility, Chinese herbs is the most important method. According to the different pathological conditions of the patient ,the correct prescription of Chinese herbs can fundamentally improve the pathological state of the patient. Yin and Yang in the body blance. It makes the menstruation to become normal. The patients are easier to fertilize.






                         3 Male Infertility 

The cause of male infertility is extremely complex. It has congenital factors as well as acquired factors. It has biological factors as well as social factors, such as various developmental abnormalities, immune factors, infection factors, varicocele and toxin damage. It is divided into six causes in traditional Chinese medicine : 1 essence cold, 2 Qi stagnation, 3 phlegm, 4 ministerial fire, 5 essences reduce, 6 Qi stagnation.

The pathological state of male infertility in traditional Chinese medicine has deficiency, solid, cold, and heat, but they often mixed with together. Liver and kidney deficiency, blood stasis and stagnation, dampness and heat in the liver, and emotional disorders are often seen. liver and kidney deficiency and blood and Qi stasis is the main pathogenesis. Insufficient kidney yin can cause no sperm and less sperm. Insufficient blood and essence can cause less semen. If fluids seriously lack , it will be thick semen. Insufficient kidney Qi can cause poor sperm development. Insufficient kidney yang can cause low motility of sperms. If damp heat accumulates in the seminal chamber, semen does not liquefy.  At present, people's lifestyle and eating habits change, male infertility caused by damp heat and phlegm dampness is increasing.

The treatment of male infertility is a comprehensive treatment in the traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese herbs is most important method, and it often combines with acupuncture and psychological counseling. The goal is Yin-yang coordination. Only under the yin-yang coordination, semen volume, sperm quantity and semen liquefaction, sperm vitality and function can be normal. 



         4 Miscarriage 

The causes of miscarriage are complex and include:

1. Genetic factors such as abnormal karyotype.

2. Anatomical factors such as uterine malformations, uterine fibroids, intrauterine adhesions, cervical insufficiency, and endometriosis.

3. Endocrine abnormalities such as luteal dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid dysfunction and diabetes.

4. Infectious factors such as toxoplasma, rubella virus, herpes simplex virus, mycoplasma, chlamydia.

5. Immune factors such as autoantibodies are abnormal.

6. Environmental factors such as excessive exposure to harmful chemicals, excessive exposure to radiation, noise and vibration.

7. Mental factors such as tension, depression, fear, sadness.

8. Age factors such as over 35 years of age may cause miscarriage due to aging eggs.

9. Fall down, heavy physical labor, smoking, alcohol and drugs.


Miscarrige Symptoms:

Most miscarrages occur before the 12 weeks of pregnancy.

1. Vaginal spotting or bleeding.

2. Pain or cramping in your abdomen or lower back.

3. Fluid or tissue passing from your vagina.


The pathogenesis in TCM is kidney deficiency, weakness of Qi and blood, and blood heat.

1 Most people with kidney deficiency are due to congenital kidney Qi deficiency, or lack of abstinence after pregnancy, kidney Qi injuried by miscarrage.

2 Qi and blood are weak. Qi deficiency cannot carry a fetus. blood deficiency cannot support a fetus. these cause miscarrage.

3 Blood heat, heat disturbs the sea of blood and cause blood abnormally move. Heat damages the fetus and causes miscarrage.

4 Fall or excessive labor can impair the Chong and Ren meridians and cause disharmony of Qi and blood. The fetus can not be nourished. It causes miscarrage.


The treatment of miscarriage in Chinese medicine is usually divided into two steps:

1 It should begin to treatment before pregnancy, Nourishing kidney is fundamental.

Before pregnancy, you must pay attention to conditioning Qi and blood, warming and nourishing the Chong and Ren meridian, nourishing kidney. This will protect fetus and prevent miscarrage. If you treat for six months to one year, the effect is better.

2 To prevent miscarrage after pregnancy. If miscarrage happens,early treatment is important.

After pregnancy, we must target the physical strength of pregnant women and cooperate with appropriate medications to prevent miscarrage. If there are signs of miscarrage such as fetal abnormal movements, lower back pain, or vagina bleeding, you must get prompt treatment.


The treatments in western medicine are mainly targeted at the cause of miscarrage. The treatments in traditional Chinese medicine has more advantages than western medicine. Especially for patients who are not effective in western medicine or have no medicine to cure in western medicine, but traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect. The main treatment method is Chinese herbs. People who like tobacco and alcohol often have damp and heat in lower burner, resulting in poor sperm motility or excessive dead sperm. Although their wifes become pregnant, fetus often develop slowly and cause death. Therefore, in order to prevent miscarriage, not only paying attention to the women but also paying attention to their husbands. it is necessary to take measures such as quitting smoking and drinking. These measures ensure women can become pregnant and fetus become strong. The fetus is full term and smoothly delivery.









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